Founded in 2014 from the acquisition of Arotubi Trafilerie business unit, a company founded in 1947 and specialized in precision extrusion and drawing process of small-diameter aluminum tubing. The company holds deep know-how on extrusion technology; it is in fact the first company to produce aluminum continuous rolls thanks to patents on inverse extrusion. The company boasts significant expertise in equipment design and extrusion and drawing processes that allow the construction of high quality tubing, boasting patented and innovative solutions, including capillary aluminum tubing.
It is the result of the need of the big players in the field of the domestic appliances, to be supported in the development of strategic components in new countries with low production cost and high rate of growth in consumption, with a logistically well distributed supply chain.
Born at the beginning of 60th in Lecco to produce steel wire components.
After few years Remsa starts to enter in white goods market, and in a short time becomes expert in wire components, at the beginning for refrigerators, later on also or dish washing machines, focusing on surface treatments. Recently Remsa becomes more and more centre of excellence for process and product developments, keeping a part of production process linked to customers located in the same area.
Summarizes Remsa production, producing both steel wire components for dish washing machines and refrigerators both cooling system for fridge and freezers. The technological choice has been to align the new plant to the best manufacturing Practice of the two Italian plant, a winning choice to face in a competitive and reliable way the strong Growing of the new market.